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Hay Pellet Machine

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Hay Pellet Machine
Application: Livestock Ruminant Grass Feed Production
Capacity: 0.7-40 T/H
Main Power: 22-280 KW
WhatsApp: +86 138 3838 9622

Hay pellet machine is a kind of feed pelletizing equipment used to process various types of hay pellets. It is a kind of grass feed pellet machine. It adopts the ring die pelletizing process and is equipped with a forced feeder. The raw materials suitable for this equipment include Grass Hay, Alfalfa Hay, Teff Hay, Orchard Hay, Timothy Hay, Bermuda Grass Hay, etc. Hay pellets are a type of animal feed that are made from dried and compressed hay. They are commonly used to provide nutrition to livestock such as horses, rabbits, and cattle, sheep among others.

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Why use hay pellet machine to process hay pellets?

Why use hay pellet machine to process hay pellets

Hay pellets serve as a substitute for hay and can enhance the basic feed. The hay pellets are made from grass that has been mown at the optimal time. The mown grass is dried by a warm air process, then crushed and pressed into hay pellets.

Hay pellets offer several advantages over traditional hay, including improved digestibility, reduced dust and waste, and ease of handling and storage. They are particularly popular in regions where hay availability is limited or during winter months when fresh forage is scarce.

Hay pellets do not contain irritant dust, which makes them particularly suitable for livestock with respiratory diseases. In addition, softened hay pellets are easier to chew and process for livestock with dental problems. Moreover, they have a high crude fiber content, which is necessary for the livestock's digestion.

Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine

Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine

Among many feeds, in addition to silage and hay, pellet feeds are widely used because of their good applicability. Pellet hay feed refers to pulverizing and mixing feed raw materials and concentrated feed, and pressing them into granular feed with different diameters through a special die.

In particular, feeding hay pellet feed can significantly improve the growth performance of livestock and poultry. The hay pellet mill machine is the core equipment to realize the pelletizing function. It has the following technical features:

  • The main drive adopts high-precision gear rotation, and the efficiency is about 15% higher than that of the belt drive type. The ring die adopts a quick-release hoop type;
  • The transmission part of the whole hay pellet machine uses high-quality imported bearings and oil seals to ensure efficient, stable transmission and low noise;
  • Internationally advanced compensating serpentine spring coupling, with novel structure, compactness, safety and low failure performance;
  • Intensify the working intensity of the main working parts in terms of materials, heat treatment and other processes, so as to meet the granulation requirements of hay pellets;
  • There are a number of innovative designs on the ring die, which mainly improve the ring die's cracking prevention, increase in hourly output, and increase in total output;
  • Configure an overload protection device to increase the service life of the hay pellet press;
  • The feeding auger, conditioner, and door cover are made of stainless steel to avoid contamination of raw materials due to equipment corrosion and have a longer service life.
Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine
Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine
Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine
Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine
Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine
Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine
Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine
Technical characteristics of hay pellet machine

Specifications of hay pellet machine

Type MZLH320 MZLH350 MZLH420 MZLH520 MZLH768 MZLH858
Output(t/h) 0.7-4 1~6 2~10 3~15 4~30 5~40
Main motor power(kw) 22 37 90 132 250 280
Main motor series 6/8P
Forced Feeder (KW) 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.2 3
Conditioner Power(kw) 2.2 4 7.5 7.5 11 15
Ring die diameter (mm) 320 350 420 520 762 858
Finished pellet diameter (mm)  6-12mm
Device Configuration Ring die material: 42CrMo
Stainless steel conditioner
Door of pelleting room: 6mm /SUS304
Forced feeding: Worm gear reducer
Gear box: HT250
Gear: 42CrMo
Gear shaft: 42CrMo
Spindle: 42CrMo
Empty shaft: 42CrMo
Bearings: The gear shaft and main shaft bearings are SKF, and the pressure roller bearings are domestic high-quality bearings
Oil seal: Germany/Taiwan
Overload mechanical protection: safety pin
Serpentine spring coupling drive
Lubrication system: Configurable automatic oil injection system

Hay pellet machine cases

Currently, our hay pellet maker machines have been exported to more than 100 countries around the world and are used in cattle, sheep, horses and rabbit feed mills and farms of various sizes.

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If you are interested in our hay pellet machine project and want to start hay pellet processing, contact us for equipment details and a quote.

Hay pelleting technology——making pellets from hay

The most critical technology for processing grass pellets is to adjust the moisture content of the raw materials.

Hay pelleting technology——making pellets from hay
  1. First, the moisture content of the raw materials must be measured, and then water is mixed to reach the moisture content required for processing. According to measurements, the optimal moisture content for using leguminous forage as grass pellets is 14%-16%; the optimal moisture content for grassy forage is 13%-15%.
  2. The processing of hay pellets usually uses a hay pellet machine. Grass powder is stirred and extruded during the granulation process. Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the granules just coming out of the sieve reaches about 80°C.
  3. When cooling from high temperature to room temperature, the moisture content generally decreases by 3%-5%. Therefore, the moisture content of the cooled grass particles does not exceed 11%-13%. Because the moisture content is very low, it is suitable for long-term storage without mold and deterioration.

Hay pellets containing different nutritional components can be formulated according to the nutritional requirements of various livestock and poultry. The pellet size can be adjusted by the hay pellet machine and processed as required.

The purpose of hay pellet feed processing is to mix pure hay powder or hay powder with other concentrated feed raw materials into complete ration feed according to animal growth needs and animal nutrition formula requirements, and process it into pure hay pellets and complete ration hay pellet feed. The types of hay pellet feed currently commonly used are as follows:

Hay pelleting technology——making pellets from hay
Hay pelleting technology——making pellets from hay
Hay pelleting technology——making pellets from hay


100% Pure hay pellets production

When the qualified pure hay powder is fed through the feeder, the hay powder in the conditioner is fully contacted with the steam, the moisture content of the grass powder is 14%, and the temperature reaches 60°C, the hay pellets are pressed by the hay pellet machine; the diameter of pure hay pellets is generally selected. 4~8mm, compression ratio 5~6.

Pure hay pellets can be mainly stored as feed raw materials, and can be crushed into compound feeds or fed directly as a single feed.


70% hay pellet feed production

According to the nutritional formula requirements of general farms, 70% hay powder, 20% corn and sunflower (peanut seedlings) straw powder and 10% concentrate supplement are mixed, and are pressed into a special hay pellet production line for poultry and livestock. Hay pellet feed can fully meet the nutritional needs of animals.

The processing technology of 70% hay pellet feed: moisture content is 14%, hay powder is 70%; moisture content is 5% to 13%, corn and sunflower straw powder is 20%; concentrate is 10%, which is mixed by the whole ration mixer before entering the hay pellet machine.

When the pelletizing warehouse is ready, the finished powder enters the modulator through the feeder, is fully mixed and conditioned with steam, and the powder with suitable temperature and humidity enters the hay pellet machine and is pressed into suitable hay pellet feed.


80% hay complete diet pellets production

According to the nutritional formula requirements of general farm feed, 80% hay powder and 20% concentrate are mixed, and are pressed through a special hay pellet production line to form a special hay full-ration pellet feed for livestock and poultry, which can fully meet the nutritional needs of animals.

The processing technology of 80% hay pellet feed: moisture content is 14%, hay is 80%; concentrate is 20%. After being mixed by the whole ration mixer, it enters the warehouse to be pelleted for use.

The finished powder enters the modulator through the feeder and is fully mixed with steam. After mixing, conditioning, and suitable temperature and humidity, the powder enters the hay pellet machine and is pressed into suitable whole-diet pellet feed.

Each customer's raw material conditions (moisture content, size), formula, and process requirements are different. Therefore, we usually customize the hay pelletizer system and the entire hay pellet plant according to the customer's actual situation.

Whether your raw material is hay bales, grass meal or wet grass, RICHI Machinery can design the process according to your raw materials and formulas.

Videos of hay pellet machine

hay pellet machine price

The price of hay cubes pellet machine is generally between 10,000-100,000 USD.

Factors that affect the price of ring die hay pellet machines include:

  1. Machine equipment model: The model of the equipment determines the quantity of raw materials and production time required for the electricic hay pellet machine. Large-scale equipment requires a large amount of raw materials. The larger the output, the longer the production cycle and the higher the price.
  2. Price of raw materials: Raw materials are determined by two reasons, one is the quality of raw materials, and the other is the market for raw materials. The quality of raw materials plays a decisive role in the quality of hay pellet press. High-quality raw materials are expensive, and raw material market prices fluctuate due to fluctuations in market conditions.
  3. Quality and performance of equipment: The quality of equipment depends not only on the raw materials, but also on its structure and processing technology level. Hay pellet machine with good quality and excellent performance has high processing and R&D costs, so the equipment is expensive.
  4. Geographic location of equipment manufacturers: Different regions have different prices and worker wages, resulting in different company operating costs, so equipment prices are different. The price of hay pellet making machine of the same quality and performance is higher in first-tier countries such as USA /German and cheaper in China and other regions.
  5. Supply and demand relationship in the hay pellet machine market: The supply and demand relationship in the equipment market is divided into oversupply and oversupply. The so-called scarcity is more expensive. When supply exceeds demand, machinery and equipment are cheap and expensive.

How to choose a hay pellet machine manufacturer?

When choosing a hay pellet making machine manufacturer, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:
How To Choose A Hay Pellet Machine Manufacturer


First, examine the manufacturer's technical strength.

Hay pellet machines are high-precision and high-tech equipment, and technical strength is the primary consideration when choosing a manufacturer. You can understand the technical strength of a manufacturer by looking at its technical team composition, technical research and development capabilities, technical patents, etc.

At the same time, you can also ask for relevant technical information and cases from the manufacturer to have a more comprehensive understanding of its technical level and application experience.


Consider the manufacturer's production capacity and quality assurance.

The manufacture of hay pellet machines requires high-precision processing equipment and strict quality control processes. Therefore, it is very important to choose a manufacturer with advanced production equipment and a complete quality management system.

You can evaluate the manufacturer's production capacity and quality assurance level by visiting the manufacturer's production workshop, understanding the production process, and viewing product quality inspection reports.


Understand the manufacturer's after-sales service system.

The hay pellet machine is a kind of machine, and some problems will inevitably occur during use. Therefore, choosing a hay pelletizer manufacturer with a complete after-sales service system can provide users with better technical support and maintenance services.

You can learn about the after-sales service level of the manufacturer by consulting the manufacturer's after-sales service policy, understanding the after-sales service team, and viewing after-sales service cases.


The price of the hay pellet machine also needs to be considered.

Quotes from different manufacturers may vary greatly, so you need to choose the right manufacturer based on your needs and budget. It should be noted that price is not the only consideration and needs to be considered comprehensively in conjunction with the above aspects.


Market research and on-site inspections.

It is recommended that when choosing a hay pellet machine manufacturer, you can conduct more market research and on-site inspections to understand the advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of different manufacturers in order to make a more informed choice.

At the same time, attention should also be paid to establishing good communication and cooperation relationships with manufacturers to ensure that timely and effective technical support and services can be obtained during use.

In short, choosing a hay pellet mill manufacturer requires comprehensive consideration of many aspects, including technical strength, production capacity, quality assurance, after-sales service and price level.

Through comprehensive evaluation and comparison, selecting manufacturers with advantages and potential can bring better user experience and economic benefits to users.

Prospects for starting a hay pellet processing business

Prospects for starting a hay pellet processing business

The market analysis of hay pellets reveals a steady growth rate, with the market expected to grow at a CAGR of 13% during the forecast period. One of the key drivers of this growth is the increasing demand for animal feed due to the rising global population and changing dietary preferences towards meat consumption.

Additionally, the growing awareness of the benefits of hay pellets, such as their high nutritional content and lower moisture content, is further driving market growth.

The hay pellets market is witnessing several trends that are shaping its growth trajectory. One significant trend is the increasing adoption of hay pellets in the equestrian industry. Horse owners are recognizing the benefits of hay pellets in providing a consistent quality feed, reducing waste, and improving overall horse health.

Furthermore, the rising popularity of small-scale farming and backyard livestock raising is driving the demand for hay pellets. These pellets are more convenient to store and transport compared to traditional baled hay.

Prospects for starting a hay pellet processing business

Another emerging trend in the market is the growing demand for organic hay pellets. With the increasing awareness of sustainability and environmentally friendly practices, consumers are seeking organic and pesticide-free animal feed options. This trend is expected to drive the market for organic hay pellets in the coming years.

Why Choose Richi

why choose richi
why choose richi

Introduction of RICHI
Strength certification

Richi Machinery is a professional manufacturing enterprise integrating scientific research and development, manufacturing, sales and service. We have developed and manufactured multifunctional pelletizers, grinders, mixers, dryers and more than ten categories and more than 30 models of complete machine products are widely used in feed, biomass, organic fertilizer, pet supplies, solid waste recycling, chemical industry, road construction and other fields.

All RICHI products have passed ISO9001:2008 international quality system certification, EU CE certification and Customs Union CU-TR certification, successfully serving more than 2,000 customers in more than 100 countries and regions around the world.

Customized Design And Business Plan

In RICHI, every equipment and every pellet production line business plant can be customized. We will formulate multiple sets of pellet production process plans for comparative analysis according to the actual needs of customers, select a reasonable plan, and realize private customization.

Our services run through all aspects of on-site terrain and environment survey, production line process design, raw material testing, cost requirement analysis, project investment budget, equipment installation and commissioning.

Customized Design And Business Plan
Customized Design And Business Plan
Customized Design And Business Plan
Customized Design And Business Plan

Quality Control
Richi Machinery

We adhere to the ISO9001 quality management system, and strictly implement international standards for product design and manufacturing processes. In terms of management systems, there are product quality accountability systems, product quality accountability systems, and safety production management systems; in terms of management tools, QC quality control management, SPC statistical process control, sampling inspection and measurement system analysis are used for quality control, to achieve effective control of the entire process of equipment production, and never let go of any quality hidden dangers that may affect customer operations.

Quality Control

Delivery And Installation

RICHI has always been adhering to the spirit of craftsmanship to make every detail good, especially in the link of equipment preparation and delivery, we follow the standardized process: preparation order check-equipment factory quality inspection-packing list re-inspection-scientific packaging and transportation, ensure the safe and non-destructive delivery of equipment.

According to customer needs, RICHI installation engineers will guide the construction of site infrastructure, equipment installation and commissioning and trial operation of the entire production line throughout the process. When the relevant project indicators reach the design standards, the client will carry out the project acceptance.

Delivery And Installation
Delivery And Installation
Delivery And Installation
Delivery And Installation
Delivery And Installation
Delivery And Installation
Delivery And Installation
Delivery And Installation
After-sales And Training

After-sales And Training
Richi Machinery

We have built a team of nearly 100 technical engineers to solve a series of problems in the project from consultation, site survey, sample analysis to plan design, installation and commissioning, and maintenance. We provide comprehensive and systematic training for the technical staff of each customer to better serve the customer's project needs.

After the technicians have finished their studies, RICHI will provide follow-up technical support services, and the training engineers will follow up the project use effects in the later stage to ensure the stable operation of the customer's project.

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